Sunday, June 28, 2009

Final Thoughts on Europe

Today is the end of our Euro tour as we make our ways on planes, trains and ferries to Mumbai. It has been recommended that some concluding thoughts be recorded:

On transport: Yes you can get everywhere by train! trains here are cheap comfortable, and in some places you can even sneak a smoke between cars. Why don't we have trains that go 200mph! Also -- If everyone has a small car no one has to worry so much about dying of SUV encounter. Scooters and super minis dominate, they get 70 MPG easy, their fun and with rare exceptions they are all you need.

On Youth: This is a place that acknowledges that you are not obligated to grow up at 22. Youth Hostels, and other discounts on everything from museums to transport dominate until the age of 25.

On the Euro: There are a lot of losers and not a lot of winners. Nothing is as cheap as a it used to be for anyone.

On Getting Through Europe on the cheap:

Get the Eurail pass, but know that you will have to pay 10-30 euro for ticket reservation

Be careful about getting hostels -- cheap hostels may mean more transport cost where as paying more can get you a kitchen and save you big time on tasty meals.

Renting a car can be much cheaper than a cab. Check the rates, you might be able to get a whip for 30 euro a day with insurance, where cabs can easily get above 75 euro an hour.

Buying groceries may or may not save you money. In some places ponying up for a basic meal at a cafe may be a lot cheaper than eating groceries.

More thoughts may emerge.

It's been awesome.

**Should you find yourself in sun-baked areas such as Italy and Greece, wear at least SPF 50+...even so, Stephan still became a fine shade of lobster red after reapplying multiple times. Also, when in Greece avoid Retsina Wine, very cheap but tastes exactly like Pine Sol, as it is made with Pine resin.


  1. Ah, that last paragraph brings back memories of broiling under the Fiji sun.

  2. So...Restina is Grecian Gin?

    Better/worse than a cheap bottle of Gin? God knows that taste just CANNOT be covered up.

  3. so it sounds like europe is kinda like never never land, except you need to provide lots of your own pixie dust. keep writing in short funny sentences (I can't read long ones yet).
    Say hi to Megbearpig for me!

    PS try to find my lost dell laptop in india for me.
