Friday, June 19, 2009

Robbed by Greenpeace

[Update April 26th, 2011]

I noticed recently that there are people, some who I don't know, who read this blog. To set the records straight - I contacted Greenpeace who clarified  that I had signed up for a recurring gift. After explaining that I had misunderstood what I had signed up for, they worked to come to a support level that fit my budget. I have now been giving to Greenpeace for over 3 years and have not had anything but positive interaction since the initial misunderstanding. 

I never clubbed a baby seal.

We are in an awesome hostel in Naples close to transport Pompei and the beach. Another perks is steady internet access.

Needless to say finances have been a concern on the trip, so I was pretty upset this morning when I found out that based on a donation I had given last month, Greenpeace has been syphoning money from my bank account. I wrote them a nasty email but who know what that will achieve.

I am so angry right now. I am spilling the first oil tanker I come across into a nest of baby seals.

1 comment:

  1. Not unless you want to be clubbed to death (by me) with an oily, dead baby seal.

