Friday, June 19, 2009


Travelling with one other person carries the threat of some monotony. Meg and I have set some boundaries and some reading time aside to avoid fatigue. So far I have gotten through a Huxley book on 15th century posessions and the catholic church which I set aside and a book called Small Wars Permitting about being a correspondent in places full of upheavel. I recommend both, more so the latter.

The other thing we have done is kept a running games of piddidle. If you are not familier this is the game usually played by 15 year olds with a friend who can drive. When said teenagers see a car with one headlight out, they yell piddidle and are allowed to extract some penalty (usually a punch) from another player. We have adopted this game in a special European edition in which, rather than dead headlights, the game is played upon spotting the morbidly obeses.

Green Peace seems willing to give me my money back, which had turned from a $20 donation into random withdrawels from my back account totalling $80 in the the last 3 weeks.

We were off to Pompei today which was pretty interesting, but extremely overwhelming in its size. We wandared off the beated path after having our fill of mosaics and charred remains and found a nature trail that ran around the outside of the city wall.

1 comment:

  1. The padiddle that I always played didn't involve physical abuse as a penalty.
    1. Everyone in the car has to play, driver included.
    2. Broken headlight spotted - padiddle is yelled.
    3. The last person to hit the roof of the car after the shout has to remove a piece of clothing, driver included.
    4. Drivers are allowed to yell padiddle on headlights spotted in rearview mirror - no one else can.
    5. Lots of nakedness due to rampant MA disregard for headlight laws.
