Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today is day 3 in Amsterdam, and what a place. Deceivingly pint sized, the entire city seems to be made up of 20 cafes, 10 coffee shops and a heard of healthy looking but homicidial cyclysts.

We've been spending most of the days napping in the parks and walking along the canels. It is beautiful here, and with few cars it is busy without the noise and pollutions that comes with cities.

We have a few definite favourites here which include a chain of falafel shops called Maos (and pronounced by Brits as May-Oz) and a mini-mart stocked floor to ceiling wtih wine and chocolate.

The most disconcerting thing has been the birds that swim in the canel that we have dubbed death ducks. They are black with a white face and beak. They have monstrous green feet and while they do not attack us, they are at very least passive agressive about their desire to take croissants off our hands.


1 comment:

  1. The Death Ducks don't sound as bad as seagulls that dive bomb out of the sky and steal peanut butter & jelly sandwiches from unsuspecting beach-goers.

    I'm still mad about that.
