Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Driver with a distaste for humanity

Today we dragged our selves out of bed early to catch a ferry. Although the hostel in Naples is amazing in most respects, it has been about 90 degrees here at night, and the neighbors seem to be on a constant 24 hour routine of partying, fighting and fucking. Sleep has been tricky to come by. Our destination today was Procida, an island 60 miles off the coast which has tried hard to keep itself locked in time. There are not many cars and repairs seem to be conducted on houses and infrastructure about every 25 years.

It has beautiful beaches where we spent most of the day, it is also somewhat of a photogs paradise. There is an endless parade of wooden gates, lizards, wild flowers, wrought iron, classic cars and wayward kitties vying for attention. My camera suffered an accident in May that makes it so I cant see pictures before I put them on a computer, but I am hoping there are some good ones.

Worth mentioning - the drivers here are absolutely insane. This morning our bus driver stumbled onto the bus cigarettes in mouth, and before leaving the station managed to hit a 13 year old girl as lightly as a bus can, and force a BMW M5 onto the sidewalk. There is a general sense that motorists are playing reverse Frogger and anything not on wheels is actively targeted. Aditionally, there seems to be some kind of Italian math in play where there must be a minumum of two passengers per wheel. At every intersection there are families of four perched on Vespas, while Smart sit packed with passengers extended out the windows.

We are off to Greece tomorrow morning in what is shaping up to be a 40 hour travel day. We bought the cheapest ferry tickets which may have been a mistake... we were advised to make sure to sit in front of the smoke stack or end up covered in soot. I hope the ferry has a bar.


  1. I found this in a children's book at work - and it immediately reminded me of you guys:

  2. Bill Bryson once wrote that Italians drive as if they have just spilled a beaker of hydrochloric acid in their laps.
