Wednesday, July 1, 2009

honk ok please

after a never ending travel day we have safely arrived at a hotel in the scenic metal smelting district of mumbai. it is 95 and raining outside. for now we are holed up recovering and watching mindless movies.

we wanted to reach outside our comfortzone a little and we are there. the people are friendly and the food is good, but the pollution is choking, the streets are packed and have running sewage and the airport was surrounded by dogs and soldiers with kalishnakovs.

oh... and there is an endless flow of elaborate dance and catchy songs on evey channel. from condoms to cars every ad tv show and psa seems to involve half the country dancing in fields or on trains.

lasty, we have noticed huge sweeping creatures overhead. at first we though they were ravens but they are bats with 40 inch wing spans searching for dogs to eat.

1 comment:

  1. Surrealism as a means to self-expression in repressed societies 101.

    The bats are metaphors.
