Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today in Why Mitt's Fucked

To the best of my knowledge, Mitt seems to have made it through a whole news cycle without saying anything scathing or stupid, had any of his surrogates say anything scathing or stupid or been publicly bashed by a high profile personality from his own party.

Hell, if he could start stringing more than one or two of these days together at a time, there might even be a little bit of racing in this race. If he does that, perhaps we will begin having a different discussion.

But until then - I offer you this:

Yes - that is Fox News, mouth piece of the GOP displaying a poll which places Obama ahead of Romney 48.9 to 44.9. To poll in question was taken by Rasmussen, a polling house that exclusively works for conservative causes.

Scroll anywhere else on the site, and you will find stories about Obama being an unpopular, dishonest socialist who has taken America to the precipice of destruction and that's what makes this all the more revelatory. It means that despite all the whining, moaning and pontificating that the liberal media is manipulating the polls or that Obama v. Romney is just like Carter v. Reagan that the conservative political establishment has come to accept that Mitt's toast.

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