Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Demise of Mitt and the GOP: Legitimate Rape Edition

Every election cycle since 1992 (when I was just a wee boy of six) I have been deeply addicted to knowing exactly what's going on at every moment in the race. At six, this was mostly facilitated by NPR and second hand information from adults. At 27 in the age of the internet it means a Smartphone and a laptop with 11 tabs open to different news sites and NPR piped into my headphones for as many hours a day as I can stand.

Think Clockwork Orange, but self inflicted.

Know why i do it? Because in a 24 hour news cycle, most of the really interesting stories get dropped before  the most interesting things happen. Take for instance the case of Todd Akin. A month ago he was the guy who said that in cases of legitimate rape and resulting pregnancy the female body "shuts the whole thing down." To remind you of your initial umbrage, here's a clip of the full quote.

"But that was a whole month ago!" you might be thinking. "This story is dead". You are sadly mistaken. For you see, the well informed electorate of Missouri who selected this living breathing piece of human garbage in the GOP primary have not been particularly deterred. So now, with 40 days to the election, no other options to get in a new candidate and dimming hopes of retaking the Senate or White House, the GOP is rethinking their initial hard line.

In the last few days Jim DeMint, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich have all provided vocal backing for this asshole. Now the RNC is even dipping their toes in - From the LA Times

"As with every Republican Senate candidate, we hope Todd Akin wins in November, and we will continue to monitor this race closely in the days ahead," said Rob Jesmer, executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

That's right. The GOP is back on board with Rape Guy. Hell, he might even win! Why this is a bad idea for the GOP (leaving out of course the ethical rot in a party that purports to champion family values) is that it reminds the world that they are still much more the party of Strom Thurmond than Lincoln.

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