Saturday, September 8, 2012

First Week of Crossfit: A Reflection on Man Titties

After a full year of denial and half-hearted action, I think I may in fact be beginning a road back to finding myself in better shape and better control of my life. When I left Boston, I weighed in at 175lbs. Within 2 months of moving to Portland, I found myself cracking the scale above 200lbs. with a winter high of 210lbs seen in January.

Needless to say this has caused some alarm on the part of friends and family which has taken any number of different forms. Meg, who has done her best to keep a sense of humor about it is somewhat put off by my new found girth and ample bosom. My mother has expressed genuine alarm. Friends who I ski and bike with have been dismayed to find me no longer in good enough shape to keep up on rides or hikes into the back country. Certain semi friends of mine have a disconcerting habit of grabbing at my ample man-breasts.

I feel like shit about it. Almost every other part of my life since moving here has gone well, and in most ways it is safe to say that I feel like I am back on the road to being who I want to be. That said, it's hard to feel good about any of that when looking in the mirror brings a sense of shame.

So what now?

For my 27th, Meg purchased us both a ramp up course at Crossfit Portland a few blocks away. After a year of being resistant to trying Crossfit and the associated Paleo diet, I have put down my skepticism and am trying to jump in with both feet and try it.

The first two classes have been tough, but interesting enough to keep me engaged and wanting to go back. I will not rattle on about squats and burpees - sufficed to say it's work.

As for the Paleo stuff... I'm having a harder time embracing it, but doing my best to adhere to it fully for a month. So far this has meant living of veggies, a little bit of fruit and a generous portion of organic meat for lunch and dinner. Gone is the hard booze, beer, bread, deli meat, hummus, beans, burritos, rice and cheese that have been my go-tos for deliciousness for so long. Having long thought vegans were a bit absurd for avoiding animal products religiously - I can tell you that I am currently feeling pretty foolish myself loading my plate with meat.

So far I have not lost weight, but at least my titties seem to be down a cup size.

Additionally, I have to say that so far I feel great. I'm not sure if it's what I've cut out, what I've started eating, the exercise itself or some combination there of; but I do know that (moobs aside) this feels like a stride in the right direction. So far I've found myself sleeping better, more alert at work and more energetic.

I can't say yet whether this is going to be a long term commitment for me yet, but it certainly feels like a big first step in the right direction.


  1. Strangely enough I found myself in a similar predicament in February. I had ballooned in size over the Christmas period to 168lb from 150ish and just looked blobby.

    Quit smoking and took on a Paleo diet (which is expensive for me to maintain but worth it) and started kickboxing. I only drink when I want to get drunk. I love the exercise stuff now, it's very satisfying and I can see the benefits.

    Keep it up! Or end up like this dude:

  2. Dude - burpees are rough. I'm 4 weeks into Paleo now, and asides from 6 pre-planned tequila treats - I have not done anything to cheat.

    I feel stupid as a grown man needing to pay someone to find out that good diet and exercise will make you feel better and lose weight... but it's still better than not finding out.
