Monday, September 24, 2012

The Last Days of Mittens

Next week, we will see the debates start as we enter the home stretch of this 2 1/2 year election slog. Back in 2010, with the emergence of the Tea Party and Sarah Palin at her zenith (and when Mitt's campaign was starting to get going) Obama's chances of winning seemed slim. But oh, how far we've come.

Quick recap of why the GOP is screwed:
-GM and Chrysler stop hemorrhaging money, and start turning a profit
-OBL Killed
-9 GOP Primary contenders, all but one of which was ahead of Romney in the polls at one point turn the primaries into an ugly spectacle
-The Supreme Court upholds the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)
-Obama backs gay marriage and stops deporting Dream Act kids
-The Mitt humiliation tour of Europe and Israel

Quick recap of why they shouldn't be:
-They have more money from Super PACs than there are add slots to buy
-A base that is deeply angry and afraid of Obama and willing to get him out at any cost
-A candidate who has been grooming for this run for 20 years
-High Unemployment
-High national debt

Which brings us to today. For all that has happened, and all his experience Mitt has proven that he is completely incapable of running a presidential campaign. While most of the media is depicting the race as close - the numbers certainly doing look it. In fact has Mitt with only a 22% chance of winning. As of this morning, the betting site has Mitt with only a 29% chance of winning.

The campaign and much of the party faithful is still hanging on, but the infighting and voices of GOP criticism are starting to grow louder. Soon the facade will come down and we will see the GOP vanguard eat Romney's campaign like a hamster eating its young.

Here's a list of signs to look for:
-Paul Ryan promoting his own messages and opinions sometimes at odds with the campaign
-A spike in Obama fundraising as interest groups that need access ditch Mitt
-A switch of Super PACs and talking heads from the GOP to focus on the senate race
-Rush Limbaugh et al giving angry, outraged advice to the Romney campaign in a way that undercuts him
-Open rebellion from the religions right, Ron Paul fans and other special interest groups that usually vote republican
-Senate candidates distancing themselves from Mitt (already happening with Scott Brown)
-Defections from the campaign to more lucrative gigs (See Tim Pawlenty)
-A decrease in Mitt's on air presence
-Gaffes, confusion and exasperation by Mitt and surrogates (Ann's "This is hard"might be a start) during interviews, even at friendly events
-Increased media interested in Gary Johnson
-Fox News, Drudge and Breitbart running distracting pieces or simply focusing their attentions on things other than the race
-An increased presence of Donald Trump

So fill out your bingo card kids! Unless Obama gay marries a cub scout while dressed in a burka It looks like Mitt should probably start thinking about how he is going to retire with a shred of dignity and credibility.

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