Sunday, April 18, 2010

Road Rash

I put the road bike down for the first time this weekend and it came as a pretty big shock. Since I started getting back into biking I've been in a cloud of happiness and invincibility. This woke me back up to the fact that YES - what I do can have consequences.

I came into a corner I love to take fast not remembering that things are slippery when wet. Next thing I new I was skidding over gravel on my ass and palms. I didn't get too hurt, but my hands and ass look like hamburger.

Moral of the story I have started wearing my helmet. I also got kick ass gloves with carbon fiber knuckles. They make me feel like a terminator.


  1. Were you not wearing a helmet before? That's gay. Like those gloves.

    Glad you're okay. Stay safe.

  2. They didn't have them in black.

    And for some reason they are called the "Unabombers".

    They do protect the shit out of my tender tender hands.
