Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Longest Day

This weekend I went to Vermont for some sunshine and to bask in the restorative qualities of cheese. On more or less all fronts it was a resounding success. Ryan is back early from the freestyle circuit after a frustrating injury, Mike had some time off from the hospital and Scott was flush with victory after finally securing a job in Burton's R&D lab that involves benefits.

We played some mini golf, drank some beers and generally had a great time.

I was almost kicked out of a bar for the building and successful deployment of paper airplanes.

The only hitch in the weekend came when I tried to leave. At some point my keys were abducted so I was stuck. I searched for them for 4 hours on Sunday to no avail... didn't bother me that much though it meant another night in VT waiting for the dealership to open the next morning.

The dealer couldn't get my car started however. At some point my car had the ignition swapped so they couldn't cut new keys. That left me with the choice of spending $150-400 on a lock smith or making the drive back to Boston to get my spares.

I spent 12 hours yesterday making the drive back and forth. Wasn't so bad though. the weather was nice and it provided some good contemplative time.

Ahh, the power of cheese.

1 comment:

  1. 12 hour drive.... bloody hell, I once drove for 3 hours straight and thought that was bad.
