Thursday, April 8, 2010

Drink R&D Lab

Last night was the first hot night of spring. I made plans to go on a hookah picnic/bike ride with a friend after work and in preparation I made some roadies. I picked up some new booze last week at the NH liquor store and I have developed some tasty new summer concoctions.

Monk In the Orchard
2 Parts Stoli Gala Applik
1/2 part Frangelico Hazelnut Liquor
Shake with ice and server as a martini or shot.

Boris in Fiji
1 Part Stoli Gala Applik
1 Part Malibu Pineapple Flavored Rum
2 Parts Sprite
Serve on the Rocks


  1. Both will definitely be hits at the date rapist/high school girl mixer you're hosting this weekend.

  2. Don't forget the variety case of Smirnoff Ice.
