Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Steve Jobs is getting fucking lazy

As a dork I had waited with a small amount of anticipation for the last month as rumors circled about a new Apple Product. Tech blogs proclaimed it the "Jesus device" and dozens of fake leakers said they had basked in its magnificent glory.

What did it end up being? A big iPhone. Except you can't make calls on it or use standalone GPS.

Or if you look at it another way - the worst fucking netbook ever... questionable flash support, no camera, no real operating system, no support for multitasking, a bite sized 1mhz chip and no ability to download none Apple applications. Oh, and no USB/Firewire/video ports so no adding anything useful or using it as a business tool for presentations.

Or maybe is it a eBook reader then? Well sort of, in that you can download books on it, and then read them with the same difficulty you would have reading a book online. Unlike 80% of other eBooks though it also does not have free wireless access.

There are a few cool things you could do with it for sure. It seems like a great first computer for a little kid or an elderly person. If you had money to burn, it would make a cool add on to your home stereo.

At a starting price of $500 for the stripper model and $830 for one with 64mb memory and AT&T wireless access this seems like nothing more than a toy for Apple completists. In a world with a lot of toys and 10% unemployment I think Steve Jobs may have gone one toke over the line with this one.

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