Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rotatation Time!

Well, it's been almost four months since I joined the BSC IS rotational program, and the time is coming to rotate.

The idea of the program is that after four six month rotations in different sections of the Information Systems organization, the participants come out rock stars who know everyone and everything that can be crammed into two years. From this knowledge they (I) are meant to be able to make a good decision about what they want to do for the company, and have the skill set to do it well.

Pretty peachy.

The hard part comes with making the transition between jobs. It is a little like how I imagine rushing a frat to be. I need to chose the three positions I want the most, and pray that the managers of those open positions will also choose me. Not extremely stressful, but I am going to miss my home in International IS, and my office with a basketball hoop.

In other fun news, I went to Neko Case at the Wilbur with Meglet last night. She was a bit toasted when she got on stage (very late). The first words out of her mouth were that she was pissed at the promoter and having a hard time feeling like herself. We were ready to write the night off as a loss, and assumed that the show would be shit.

Oh contraire!

By the third song, she was getting into it, and started to look like she was having fun. An hour and a half later she was rapping up an amazing set. She had truly soft rocked us all.

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