Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Corporate Corpulance

Today was my presentation to sell myself to the IS community as worthy of another position. I've spent the last week sweating bullets about it, and stuck in a level of denial that felt very much like pre-finals procrastination.

I'm not sure what it is that still makes me so nervous about presenting, but whatever it is, it grabs into my back with some pretty deep claws.

The presentation did not quite go according to plan, and some of the people I was both most afraid of and most eager to impress were AWOL. In standard Bill Gates form my video demo melted down 7 minutes before I had to present, so I was scrambling to get things fixed up to the last minute. Subsequently the lights, projector screen, MS NetMeeting and the room thermometer all malfunctioned and getting things working took a serious McGyver effort by most of the parties in attendance.

When the smoke settled though, I had managed to get my accomplishments across to the people that mattered, and got a positive response. One of the projects I have been working on since July even got enough attention to be hijacked as a new Global standard.

Hard work, success and recognition in the office do not always come as a package, but I have to chalk today up as a win. I am feeling good about getting the position I want for January and that is really all I can ask for at the end of the day.

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