Monday, November 9, 2009

My Memory of the Fall

Twenty years ago this week something changed. After 70 years as a monolithic empire, the world finally saw cracks show through in the USSR. Long pent up frustration with the grey repression of life behind the Iron Curtain culminated in protest which overwhelmed the East German police. The government of East Germany called on Moscow for support, but they had been forgotten and no help ever came.

As the wall came down my parents took me to a Christian freedom conference of some kind. I don't remember much, but it was truly a post hippy affair for families that had given up on counter culture and found Christ. There were a lot of children my age (4) there, and between watching the Land Before Time we were corralled into a room full of large card board blocks. We were instructed to build a wall, and build we did. When a 10 foot long wall was built up past our low eye level the parents were brought into the room and sat. We then were instructed to ceremonially destroy the wall which we did with great enthusiasm.

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