Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wild Prognostication 1.

Cash for Clunkers and the Next Election.

Cash for Clunkers will replace about 1% of cars. By the next election gas will be $4 a gallon again. Here's the kicker. As people are making the choice of who they elect in three years, for the first time in American Politics, gas prices are going to have much less of an impact on the people they used to matter to most.

Will this win the election for Obama's second term? Maybe not. But if you think that the last 4 elections have been won or lost by less than 5%. If <1% of American voters got a new car from Obama and the evil demo congress, than maybe (Just fucking maybe) there will be less pouting about drilling in Alaska and more willingness to acknowledge that this somewhat stupid program has actually moved us away from our "oil addiction".

Additionally, this week saw the first gas powered, production ready car EVER get a preliminary EPA rating of 230/100 MPG, and it's being made in America.

The change we were promised is coming and in a sustainable way.

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