Friday, August 21, 2009

A Birthday Eve Ramble on the Nature of Maturity

Last night I had dinner/beverages and Hookah with a friend that I have known since she was a freshman. As a freshman she was like some kind of feral drunken freshman animal. Sober she made little sense and seemed prone to tantrums. When exposed to alcohol she was all screams and insanity.

While I have seen her mature over the last 3 years, seeing her now, as someone with interesting things to say, a career and a remarkable new sense of self respect, I was stunned. I guess looking back to my freshman year, I was not much (or any) better. It still blew me away though.

What it really made me wonder though, is how will I look back on me in 3 years? With envy? Embarrassment? Pride? Shame? The fact of the matter is that who I am in 3 years will be nothing more than the sum of what I do with regularity in the mean time. Short of being an astronaut, in theory pretty much every option is on the table.

Too bad it's harder to dream at 24 than it was at 18.

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