Thursday, April 28, 2011

Who is finding their way to the Thumb Diary, and why?

Out of curiosity, I looked at my traffic stats for this site. This blog has always been largely for my own amusement, and my MO is write what you want, no one's reading it anyway. At times this does lower my motivation to post for a few months, but I get over it and keep churning out the thoughts that bounce around my head, if only for my own benefit.

Turns out there are some people reading after all (granted not many).

So how are those hoards of thousands (well 2000) finding their way here? My travelogue? My cleverness permeating the internet?

The answer is a mixed bag. About 10% of my traffic comes from the fact that my site shares a name with "", which appears to be a Turkish softcore porn site. The result is that I have a cult following of accidental viewers in Eastern Europe.

A small (but substantive given the low volume of my site) number of people get here from searching the terms most likely to drive you to my site:

1) Aasim Smith is the name of  a defendant on the murder trail I was a juror on. News coverage was limited, so I guess I became the authority.

2) Thumb Diary - I'm thinking this is either people who forgot my URL looking for me... or else the Turkish Porn thing.

3) Tiptoes - apparently the world wants to know about the tiptoes sex scene.

4) Dren, Splice - apparently the only thing that people want to learn about from me as much as midget sex is alien incest.

600 more people wandered there way in searching other terms. Much of this was generated by people looking for images.

30 found my site because it was listed as a "good way to pass time" on a broadband testing site.

10 found it from a link on a Russian home decor site (really no idea on this one).

So it boils down to this - I guess I have become the internet's most disappointing peddler of smut. I am going to set my aim a littler higher. This silly little exorcise has taught me that if I keep churning out readable posts about things that interest me, it will find an audience of some kind... Even if that audience was really just looking for Turkish boobs.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you share a similar URL with a Turkish porn site. Regardless, you've intrigued me to start doing a little google analytics magic on my own blog, although the contents aren't nearly as rich with weird sex descriptions.
