Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What the Cops had to Say

When Jeanine called 911, it kicked off a chain reaction of law enforcement involvement that is almost hard to fathom. Two local squad cars responded in under a minute. Close behind them were two ambulances.

Upon arriving at the scene and assessing the life threatening injuries of Cleo, and the absence of one suspect and army of resources began to descend on the scene. Almost all on duty Chelsea police responded including a paddy wagon and the homicide and violent crimes unit. The State Police sent troopers. After Cleo's death the Crime Scene techs and chemists were summoned to document the scene.

The court heard the testimony of nearly 20 law enforcement officials; from the dispatcher on up. With one exception all of them exuded a professionalism directness which was refreshing after days of clearly being fed bull shit.

Despite their professionalism however, there was very little new light shed on the case. All of them were testifying about something that had happened more than two years earlier. All they really established was that procedure had been followed for the most part.

The chemists we heard from did not bring any new revelations either. They established that neither bat had blood. They established that both boys had some occult (invisible) blood on their hands. They established that Eugene had Cleo's blood on him in several places including his hands and shirt. Aasim on the other hand only had a small droplet of Cleo's blood on the pants he was wearing.

I think most interestingly was how much different the tech's experience was than what is seen on CSI. Most of the presentations were on poster board. Every one of the techs and chemists was a women. None of them appeared to have fake breasts.

The defense tried to poke holes in the stories of the cops and techs. On several occasions counselor Murphy even raised his voice to draw attention to his points.

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