Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Splice or "Why you shouldn't have sex with your genetically altered freak baby"

Howdy folks - as you may have noticed I am getting pretty close to the end of writing about the trial. I hope that it's been insightful (or at least readable) and am hoping to finish up by the end of the week. It's been a lot of fun to write about although it takes a lot of energy for reasons I don't entirely understand. For that reason, I've decided to take a break again and write about something fun.


I'm writing this with spoilers. So maybe you should go see this fine film before you read it.

Where to begin? For starters I'd like to point out this movie crosses at least four genres. First, it is a fine Sci-Fi as allegory for the human condition movie like 2001, Sunshine, Moon, Children of Men or Event Horizon. Next, it has horror element which comes in during the third act. Additionally, the beginning has an undeniable family drama component about the challenges of having a child and balancing work with life. Finally there is a level of dark comedy that holds all the pieces together.

The film opens with power couple Elsa and Clive having just created a pair of synthetic creatures that look like slugs. These nasty little critters have been created as a way to produce chemicals to be used as medicine for livestock. Elsa and Clive are the managers of NERD, an autonomous lab which is art of a mega medical company run by an evil French looking women.

Despite their status and successes, we soon learn that all is not well. They need to deliver actual drugs from their freaky little critters, which means less time having fun. They dream of creating a human spliced critter, but the evil French looking women puts the kybosh on it as being too costly. There are troubles at home too - Clive wants babies, but his controlling but lovable wife doesn't want to deal with a pregnancy and child changing the power structure of their marriage.

These troubles seem to have a simple resolution as they try to prove that a human can be included in a spliced critter. They successfully splice the genes, and Clive is happy letting it rest at that, but Elsa wants to see if the DNA can actually be used. Clive grudgingly agrees.

Of course, things go wrong, and what was supposed to be a proof of concept that they kill has soon turned into this cute little squirrel thing.

Elsa is taken with the little critter and refuses to let Clive kill it. Soon she is taking care of it and dressing it like a child.

During this side experiment, things in the lab have gone to shit. No progress is being made isolating the needed chemical from their previous experiment, and so the parent corporation starts to take over. With their backs against the wall, Elsa and Clive take their creature to an old farm which belonged to Elsa's bat shit crazy mother.

The creature (named Dren or nerd backwards) has developed rapidly with powerful cognitive abilities  and a kicking bod. Kind of hard to explain, but by ditching CGI in favor of crazy make up, Dren is given an oddly sexy presence as a hairless hottie with a tail.

The movie shifts gears at the farm where Elsa stays home during the day giving the girly attention to Dren that she never received and Clive works long hours to keep the project going at work. Dren takes quickly to being a teenage girl, acting out, clutching a cat as her only friend and developing a crush on Clive.

Elsa realizes Dren's crush on her husband and loses her shit. She take Dren's cat which results in Dren attacking her. Elsa cuts off a piece of Dren which she then takes to the lab while Clive has his turn to babysit. Dren seduces Clive and the the audience bares witness to the second of three very uncomfortable sex scenes.

Elsa walks in on them and runs away with Clive chasing shirtless behind her. They reconvene at their old apartment where Elsa conveys her pain and dismay at the fact that Clive has cheated on her after 7 years with a teenage mutant alien love child. They agree that Dren belongs as an experiment, not as part of their life.

They return to find that Dren is dead, and they proceed to bury her and start to burn her stuff. They are sad, but there is a feeling that things will finally go back to normal between them. As they are cleaning, an employee of the company arrives with Clive's brother who knew about Dren. They have come to claim Dren as property of the company.

Dren quickly kills him (She's a he now and he has wings) and drags away Clive's brother. Elsa and Clive chase after him into the woods but become separated. Dren then stalks Elsa, finally crushing her to the ground - then in the most uncomfortable sex scene I have ever seen -  rapes her. Clive comes in time to stab Dren in the heart, but he is killed in the process. Elsa finishes the injured Dren with a rock to the head.

The film closes with a shot of pregnant Elsa in the office of the evil French lady. She has agreed to have the mutant rape incest baby for a large amount of money.

"Why is this odd movie so good?", you might be wondering. It's certainly not the sex scenes. What makes this movie really good in my eyes in the pacing and patience with character development. Elsa and Clive own 90% of the screen time, and almost all of it contributes to the viewers understanding of them as a character. Even when you hate them, it is hard not to empathize with them. This is achieved with out making the movie too slow or compromise it's message.

1 comment:

  1. this is by the same guy who did cube right? that was a classic, i was going to write this film off but I might have to watch it, regardless of the amount of gratuitous rape scenes in it and somewhat ridiculous plot.

    did they not learn from deep blue sea that you shouldn't grow super intelligent beings for drugs??
