Thursday, November 15, 2012

Umpqua Trip Report Part 2 - Gaze at the Wonder

Leaving from the campground, due south, it was about 90 minutes to the edge of Crater Lake. The hollowed out volcano in which the lake rises immediately from the horizon, quickly taking over your entire field of visions after you enter the park.

About a mile from the North gate, we crossed a wide empty section of barren land which had been decimated thousands of years before when the eruption that made way for the lake occurred. The Native Americans in the area have a long oral tradition which includes stories of the explosion which shook the earth and blackened the skies.

Since I was lazy about posting this right away, and many of the finer points have slipped away. I'll shut up know and leave you with some pictures.

Also - go there. It's beautiful. Seriously.

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