Friday, February 19, 2010

Boston Scientific Top Gun School

Last week, on the Q4 investor conference call the CEO of Boston Scientific announced (in further proof of the corporate world's love of military imagery) that this year we will be starting a Top Gun school for promising people across the organization. Ideal Top Gun candidates have a track record of success, perseverance in the face of adversity and a willingness to be relocated with little notice. They will get training, exposure and assignments in the most high risk - high reward parts of the business.

When it was announced I was excited, and my first thought was how much I wanted in. The program I am in now has given me some great challenges and visibility, but Top Gun sounds like it would give me the chance to excel beyond the world of IS. On the other hand, as someone who already feels like the corporate world requires sacrifices, I don't know if getting in deeper is what I really want or need.

I would love:
The challenge
The recognition
The travel
The money
The pace
The stress
Putting "Top Gun" on my resume (maybe tattoos if the other fellas were in)

I would resent:
Missing pieces of my life
Waiting indefinitely to get a dog
Cold silent glares from Meg
Skiing less than 10 days a year

Getting into the program would be a big challenge unto itself, so for now this is all a pretty academic exercise. It's just one more siren song of the corporate world.

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