Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A War for Hearts and Minds

After 2 months of hibernation old Grandma winter has reared her giant eagle head, raised her mighty bear paw and summoned the forces of blustery snow down upon new england. Then with a quick shake of her icicle tale she made parking in Boston a pain the ass! It snowed 6 inches here this weekend, and from the chaos and the closure, you would think it had snowed 50". Meg and I had originally been planning on making a run to New York this week... 'cept they got 2 feet of snow and it kind of threw a monkey wrench in things.

Instead we camped out on the couch for the whole weekend watching the snow fall and attacking a bottle of Jameson with no remorse or reason.

This post was created for two reasons: I wanted to draw a creature and I wanted to spite the spirit of Bekky's facebook whining.

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