Tuesday, September 1, 2009

M3 Fast, Prius Green: More Good News from BMW

Sad about Polar bears drowning? Full of venom because your girlfriend cheated on you? Worried about a dismal future where those fortunate enough to drive will own dung powered Tata Nanos?

Here's something to raise your spirits (a bit) -- BMW has rolled out a concept this week which primarily runs on battery and has the assistance of a small diesel engine. Not feeling any better yet? It has the 0-60 time of the current v8 M3, it maxes out at 155MPH, it can run 30 miles on battery alone, and when the juice is gone return 60-75MPG.

The bad news is that it's still a concept, it's made of a carbon-unicorn future fiber and it looks like a prop car from the seizure inducing speed racer.

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