Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sometimes Weekends Last a Week

My weekend started last Tuesday with a run to the bar with Kroot, Raynor and a number of other affiliated fun Bentley kids. Needless to say before we knew it, closing time had arrived at one of the Irish pubs down the street and we were there with pitchers.

Thursday we were back at it playing bags over on Malbert St.

Friday I worked until 7 and drove to Raynor's place on lake Winnapasake (sp?) and had a few beer. We were up the next morning at 6:30 to get onto the Saco river in Maine, and by 10 AM everyone was feeling pretty good, except for Kroot who finished a 64oz. Madres that I allegedly made for him with a liter of Stoli.

In fact Kroot was in bad enough shape that he fell asleep by 1PM on a dragon raft towed behind the canoes. Raynor and I cut the two lines holding him on and watch him float down the river and get stuck against the bank. When we went to retrieve him he was starting to wake up as a result of being covered in mosquitoes and adventurous slug.

Other highlights included 4 rope swings, a bonfire and s'mores. We also successfully established that you can do a keg stand in canoes if you tie three together.

I got home Sunday just in time to find the living room set up and the new TV in place. It felt like Christmas. McCreary had arrived earlier that day and done all the grunt work with his dad. By 8 Ryan and Matt had come too, and after a bit we headed off for another night of closing down the bars.

Monday was a beach day in Gloucester. My proudest moment involved chasing a seagull who had taken a back of chips 800 feet down the beach and successfully retrieving them.

Tuesday I worked from home and headed to Fenway to see the O's get crushed. Matt C was crying in his beer by the end, and even the Sox fans that had been giving him shit were started feeling pretty bad for him.

Tonight I'm off to an SSC reunion at Kalah's house to catch up and watch this years ski movies.

I feel great, I'm just having a hard time staying awake at my desk.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

M3 Fast, Prius Green: More Good News from BMW

Sad about Polar bears drowning? Full of venom because your girlfriend cheated on you? Worried about a dismal future where those fortunate enough to drive will own dung powered Tata Nanos?

Here's something to raise your spirits (a bit) -- BMW has rolled out a concept this week which primarily runs on battery and has the assistance of a small diesel engine. Not feeling any better yet? It has the 0-60 time of the current v8 M3, it maxes out at 155MPH, it can run 30 miles on battery alone, and when the juice is gone return 60-75MPG.

The bad news is that it's still a concept, it's made of a carbon-unicorn future fiber and it looks like a prop car from the seizure inducing speed racer.