Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Overarching Life Updates in 4 Shitty Photos (or how I spent my summer)

It has come to my attention, that while I have done my damndest to ramble about cars and shitty movies, I have done a admittedly piss poor job of having anything particularly personal here lately. The solution? I've decided to throw up some pictures from the past few months with a week bit of context. All of the pictures are from my phone so they look a little crappy.

This is Shinlei, Meg's old boss and her morbidly obese but much loved cat named Bao Dee. Despite his size, Bao Dee is remarkably capable. He can open cabiniets and terrify the shit out of small children. Meg and I were over at Shinlei's for a house warming party which came to a sudden end when one guest managed to fall through the top of a glass table. Amazingly no one was hurt, but the cat was upset and asked the guests to leave.

The here is a picture of a truck in Maine with a freshly caught coon in it. Alternately it may be an unhappy Mainer attempting political satire by implying that Gubernatorial candidate LePage is a raccoon. Either way, this picture was taken on a father son trip up into the Maine woods. We did a lot of hiking including a 14 mile day hike up and around Katahdin. It was great to spend a week with my dad and encounter many strange incidents like the one portrayed above.

This is the new front to my house! After 15 years of living there and wanting the door moved, my mother has finally gotten her way. While I was pretty skeptical of the investment required to move the door 8 feet (about $15k) my mom is so happy about it, and the other changes made so good (new entry to basement, new closet space, new front to the house, new lighting) that I must say it was money well spent.

I've spent a few weekends in Vermont this summer, usually taking time to see my parents and hang out with the home team. My friend Jade (A man despite the name) has opened a gym in the last few weeks which focuses on crossfit. About half of my friends have put down roots in Burlington now that they are out of school The other half of my friends seem to be getting scattered to the wind with a surprising number ending up in Boston.

Lastly, this is my Yerba Mate tea glass that Manasi got me for my 25th birthday. It replaces the french press mug visible in the backgroumd. The new mug is both more functional and better at giving the impression that I am doing exotic drugs at work.

My 25th was pretty amazing. I spent the weekend itself with friends at a camp in Connecticut on a sail boat and in the sauna. While this party was not for me in any way, it was great to be rowdy with old friends. Hannah made me a cake. The following weekend I had people over for a party at my place. There was a strong turnout and wizard sticks abounded. It was a little weird to grapple with the reality that many of my friends do not know each other, and at least some do not like each other. Lastly, I spent the following week in Amsterdam with Meg. It was amazingly low key with a concert and museum trips interspersed between endless hours hanging out in parks and cafes.